###create contact 31.0.1 *** new sync: 3 3/sync with https://mail.btv.cz/dav/j.otisk@btv.cz/Contacts/... GOT STATUS: 207 card set for upload: C61CBCDB-5EC0-0001-BA4B-FB90147F150F.vcf new card 'aaaa' will be uploaded ctag matches or drop operation NOTICE: uploading modified vcard with etag: -1 NOTICE: uploading modified vcard without etag NOTICE: uploading new vcard with empty key GOT STATUS: 409 GOT STATUS: 201 new card uploaded with key: C6DAAD3D-5CB0-0001-4E8A-12D0F3C04F70.vcf uploaded card has etag: "295323-295323" GOT STATUS: 207 3/sync with https://mail.btv.cz/dav/j.otisk@btv.cz/Contacts/ has ended. ### move contact 31.0.1 *** new sync: 1 1/sync with https://mail.btv.cz/dav/j.otisk@btv.cz/Contacts/test/... cardKeys: 1 to delete we delete: C6DAAD3D-5CB0-0001-4E8A-12D0F3C04F70.vcf with deleteLocally=undefined webdav_delete on 'https://mail.btv.cz/dav/j.otisk@btv.cz/Contacts/C6DAAD3D-5CB0- 0001-4E8A-12D0F3C04F70.vcf' done drop delete GOT STATUS: 207 card set for upload: C6DAAD3D-5CB0-0001-4E8A-12D0F3C04F70.vcf ctag matches or drop operation NOTICE: uploading modified vcard with etag: -1 NOTICE: uploading modified vcard without etag GOT STATUS: 204 GOT STATUS: 409 GOT STATUS: 207 1/sync with https://mail.btv.cz/dav/j.otisk@btv.cz/Contacts/test/ has ended.