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0005951: [Web Mail] Unable to login to webmail with user account with delegation (sebastien)
0005950: [Backend Calendar] Error log entries after update to latest nightly (sebastien)
0005944: [Web Mail] On answering mails CKEditor "hangs" (sebastien)
0005945: [Backend Calendar] request failed for some users only on some weeks in calendar webview - EXCEPTION: <NSException: 0x56507d484750> NAME:NSInvalidAr (sebastien)
0005940: [Backend Calendar] NSDataMalloc(instance) does not recognize propertyList INFO:(null) (sebastien)
0005948: [Web General] Proxy Error (sebastien)
0005942: [Backend Calendar] Calendar fails to load due to c_cycleinfo data on certain events (sebastien)
0005920: [Web Mail] [EDIT] Update CKEditor version CKEditor version check warning message (sebastien)
0005602: [with SOGo] When trying to print mutiple mails, there are always one page with the mail title, a blank page and a page with the attachments (sebastien)
0005937: [Web Mail] The "Font Definitions" within the <style>-tag show up in content when answering/forwarding messages from Outlook (sebastien)
0005935: [sogo-tool] build failure in SOGoToolUpdateSecret.m (sebastien)
0005932: [Documentation] Restriction of SOGoGlobalAddressBookFirstEntriesCount not documented (sebastien)
0005931: [Web Address Book] Global address book does not display field descriptions and persons like groups (sebastien)
0005702: [Web Mail] koi8-u not correctly displayed in html while work in plain text (sebastien)
14 issues View Issues