The Inverse Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of SOGo 1.3.11. This is a minor release of SOGo which focuses on improved stability over previous versions.
Among the improvements since the previous SOGo release, there are :
New Features
- new experimental feature to force popup windows to appear in an iframe – this mode can be forced by setting the cookie "SOGoWindowMode" to "single"
- new builds for Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot)
- contacts from the email editor now appear in a pane, like in Thunderbird
- improved display of contacts in Address Book module
- "remember login" cookie now expires after one month
- added DanishDenmark translation - thanks to Altibox
- updated German translation
- updated SpanishArgentina translation
- updated SpanishSpain translation
Bug Fixes
- fixed encoding of headers in sogo-ealarm-notify
- fixed confirmation dialog box when deleting too many events
- fixed issue when saving associating a category to an event/task
- fixed time shift regression in Calendar module
- activated "standard conforming strings" in the PosgreSQL adapter to fixed errors with backslashes
- fixed a bug when GCSFolderDebugEnabled or GCSFolderManagerDebugEnabled were enabled
See the bug tracking system for the list of tickets closed with this release. You can also view the complete change log online.
You can get everything from the download section, together with documentation.
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