SOGo Partner Program


Join the SOGo partner program and develop your business

For 20 years, SOGo has been widely deployed all over the world and on different configurations and integrations. Mainly in the sectors of education with university, administration and ISP, but also in the industries and services, thanks its real opensource mindset and cost effectiveness.

When Alinto took over the project in 2022, we had the goal to expand the SOGo ecosystem in order to give the SOGo users the possibility to rely on local and experienced partners.

We have founded the SOGo partner program because SOGo users community eagerly awaits these kind of IT partners to integrate and maintain scalable Email platforms.

In a nutshell, by joining the SOGo partner program, you will have the opportunities to :

  • Develop your business with leads
  • Participate and contribute to the project
  • Expand your visibility
  • Support your customers with our help
SOGo 2023 Partner Program
Website visibility Company name/area/details Standard + higher visibility
Logo website
Reselling conditions - 15% - 20%
Lead from Alinto No Yes
Partner fees/year 650 € 1 500 €

Ask for Partner Program subscription

* Read information notice

SOGo Partner List


sys4 AG
Schleißheimer Straße 26/MG
80333 München
+49 (89) 30 90 46 64

DBM Technologies
11 rue Dedieu
+33 (0)4 72 83 52 28

iRedMail - Open Source Mail Server Solution

Qboxmail Srl
Via della Romita 16
59100, Prato (PO), Italy
+39 0574-026030
