Mailing list

Community support is offered through the mailing list. You can subscribe to it and ask questions related to SOGo.

  1. Register (free)
  2. Search if question has been answered
    Online archives of the mailing list are available from :
  3. Ask question
    Once subscribed, write to to post to the mailing list.

The SOGo community is very large and active so do not hesitate to subscribe to the mailing list and ask questions. However, please make sure to respect the following guidelines when posting a new message :

  • post constructive emails - rants will be automatically discarded
  • consult the FAQ for previously answered questions
  • send plain text message (no HTML or Rich Text) to avoid getting rejected by our spam filters
  • avoid replying to a message on top of the quoted text of the previous correspondence

Consulting Services

Groupware deployment projects are complex in nature because they usually involve many different technologies. We have done hundreds of large-scale deployment projects for prestigious organizations, all around the world. Let us help you make this deployment project a success by using our unmatched expertise!

If you are looking for a SOGo expert to help you:

  • Install, configure, customize and optimize the solution to meet your needs
  • Perform a pre or post-implementation audit to make sure your SOGo deployment performs optimally
  • Correct a specific issue with your installation or with components related to it
  • Migrate calendars, address books and emails from a previous solution to SOGo
  • Efficiently integrate SOGo with in-house systems (CRM, ERP, portal, etc.)
  • Develop specific features mentioned in the roadmap, vertical to your environment or others

Contact Us

Support Packages

Duration 1 year prepaid contract. Unused tickets are not prolonged.
Support Method Support Portal Support Portal / Phone Support Portal / Phone Support Portal / Phone
Response Time 1 business day 4 business hours 2 business hours 1 business hour
Support Hours Office Hours Office Hours Office Hours Office Hours
Notifications None Security Security / Bug Fixes Security / Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes No No No Yes
Included Incidents 5 10 30 75
Included Consulting Hours - - 4 8
Cost 500 € 1,500 € 5,000 € 7,500 €
Order Order Order Order
Office Hours : Support Hours are Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm French working days

Supported operating systems:

  • CentOS 7 / 8
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 / 8 / 9
  • Debian 8 to 12
  • Ubuntu 14 to 24

The support packages do not include:

  • components installation
  • custom development
  • preventive system monitoring
  • training and documentation

The included consulting hours can be consumed for:

  • architecture design and review
  • migration from another system
  • performance tuning
  • best practices


SOGo - Installation and Configuration Guide
For SOGo version 5.12.0
Mozilla Thunderbird - Installation and Configuration Guide
For SOGo version 5.12.0
Outlook Connector Configuration Guide
For SOGo version 5.12.0
SOGo - Installation and Configuration Guide
For SOGo version 4.3.2
Mozilla Thunderbird - Installation and Configuration Guide
For SOGo version 4.3.2
Outlook Connector Configuration Guide
For SOGo version 4.3.2
SOGo - Installation and Configuration Guide
For SOGo version 3.2.10
Mozilla Thunderbird - Installation and Configuration Guide
For SOGo version 3.2.10
Native Microsoft Outlook Configuration Guide
For SOGo version 3.2.10
SOGo - Installation and Configuration Guide
For SOGo version 2.4.3
Mozilla Thunderbird - Installation and Configuration Guide
For SOGo version 2.4.3
Native Microsoft Outlook Configuration Guide
For SOGo version 2.4.3


How to install SOGo on Ubuntu?

This article explains how to install a production version of SOGo; you need to follow these steps if you prefer to use the unsupported nightly builds.

Before you start

In order to access the production builds, you need a proper support contract from Alinto. Continue with the configuration once you received your username and password.

Alinto signs its Ubuntu packages with its GPG key. Integrity verification happens all by itself on package installation, all you need to do is first import the key into your apt keychain then update your local apt configuration:

sudo wget -O- "" | sudo gpg --dearmor | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update

Alinto strongly suggests that HTTPS be used for repository communications. All of Alinto’s repositories are HTTPS-enabled, and you can safely replace all the repository hyperlinks below with their https:// counterpart.

If your apt tools do not support https, you’ll first need to install an extra package:

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https

SOGo uses the GNUstep framework. The related packages are available from the Universe repository. Make sure it is enabled in your sources.list configuration file (/etc/apt/sources.list).

HTTP requests to the SOGo daemon will be relayed by your Web server. It is recommended to install Apache2:

sudo apt-get install apache2

Configuration of SOGo 5.x.x repository

To install SOGo v5 under Ubuntu, add the proper entry to your apt source list (/etc/apt/sources.list):

Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa)

deb https://<username>:<password> focal focal

Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver)

deb https://<username>:<password> bionic bionic

Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus)

deb https://<username>:<password> xenial xenial

Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)

deb https://<username>:<password> trusty trusty

Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin)

deb https://<username>:<password> precise precise

Configuration of SOGo 2.x.x repository

To install SOGo v2 under Ubuntu, add the proper entry to your apt source list (/etc/apt/sources.list):

Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa)

deb https://<username>:<password> focal focal

Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver)

deb https://<username>:<password> bionic bionic

Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus)

deb https://<username>:<password> xenial xenial

Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)

deb https://<username>:<password> trusty trusty

Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin)

deb https://<username>:<password> precise precise

SOGo installation

Once the repository above has been configured, installation of SOGo is straightforward:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sogo

Complete the installation by following the Configuration section of the installation guide.

July 19, 2022

Bug Tracking System

If you encounter a possible bug with SOGo, you can access our bug tracking system.
By default you will have the viewer rights, but you need to contact us to upgrade your account to report issues (the procedure is detailed on the bug tracker).

Please make sure to respect the following guidelines when reporting a bug:

  • verify that the bug you found is not already known or even fixed in the trunk version
  • make the actual facts very clear; be precise, we need to be able to reproduce the problem
  • explain your speculations, if any
  • add a screenshot to the ticket if appropriate